Technologies In The Classroom
Gigi Elshiekh
Kean University
In the following paper I will be discussing and showing why technologies should no longer be
seen as having a negative impact in the classroom. There are many positives into incorporating
them into the classroom and they should be acknowledged and took into consideration for
both the present and future teachers. Throughout the paper the positives and negatives will be
discussed about regarding integrating technologies into the classroom.
Technologies are increasing practically by the second; incorporating these new technologies in
the classroom would definitely benefit not only the students but the teachers as well. Although
new ways to discover technologies are being discovered everyday, teachers who begin to
incorporate these new technology findings are finding that the students are enjoying and learning
more with the technology uses. So many people, especially teachers, believe that techonology
use should not be present in the classroom at all and this opinion should be given a second look.
The real question is: should phone technologies be used in a classroom and if so when and how?
In this essay I will state the reasons why phone technologies should be incorporated into the
Literature Review (Article)
There are some valid points in regards to this topic in the article titled “Texting and Writing” by
Michaela Cullington. The article questions whether texting in is affecting student’s writing in a
negative way. Cullington mentions, “Teens enjoy texting, and if they frequently write through
texts, they will be more motivated to write formally. Texting also helps to sparks students’
creativity because they are always coming up with new ways to express their ideas (417).”
(Cullington, 2009) She is basically trying to say that letting teens use texting in the classrooms
can help with originality. If the students are working with something that interests them they are
obviously going to want to learn and succeed more than if they were not interested in the subject.
Cullington also states, “.. students so not believe text speak is appropriate in formal writing
assignments. They recognize the difference between texting friends and writing formally and
know what is appropriate in each situation.” Cullington further explains that all of the research
on the subject matter proves that the students do not take advantage and between being taught
and reminded they know how to write proper for a academic paper. If texting is effecting
students writings in any way it is positive. It allows the students to be creative and give them an
upper boost rather than negatively affecting them.
Another article that I came across thing in regards to incorporating technology in the classroom
was an article, “Study Finds Benefits in Use of iPad as an Educational Tool” by Kelly Walsh.
This article includes a study that took place at Longfield Academy in 2012, where a large-scale
1 to 1 ratio iPad program was implemented in 2011. At Longfield they try their best to provide
their students with the best education and learning experience they could offer by incorporating a
high level of technology integration into the curriculum.
After the study was conducted, which included over 800 students, the findings were as follows:
▪ 77% of faculty respondents felt that student achievement appeared to have risen since the
introduction of the iPad
▪ 73% of students and 67% of staff felt that the iPad helped students improve the quality of their
▪ 69% of students that completed the survey felt that using the iPad was motivating and that they
worked better with it than without it
▪ 60% of faculty thought that students were more motivated by lessons that incorporate the iPad
than those that did not (Walsh, 2012)
This study, along with many others, help to prove that iPads and tablets in the classroom can not
only help the students improve their work but also help them succeed while enjoying what they
are learning in the classrooms. Many teachers in todays society like to stick to their old ways of
teaching but integrating technologies can not only benefit the students but it can also benefit the
teachers such as helping with classroom management.
Whenever I substitute in a classroom that has iPads it always becomes apparent to me that I
could use them as a source of reinforcement and punishment. For example, if a student does well
and finishes his or her work on time then they could be rewarded with playing an educational
game on the iPad. Not only can the iPad be used for educational games but also there are many
apps that allow teachers to create and base whole lessons on them. Furthermore, an iPad is just
the beginning for technologies used in the classrooms. Other technologies such as Smart boards,
laptops, mp3’s etc. can also be used to help engage students into a lesson.
An audio-recorded interview was conducted to collect the data for this interview. The subject,
who will be referred to E throughout the paper, is a professor at Kean University. This professor
was chosen because she is all for incorporating technology in the classroom. She is E was very
appropriate to interview because of her obvious knowledge about the subject at hand. E is a
college professor for both undergraduate and graduate students. She teaches at Kean and Rutgers
University to both virtual and live students, all of these credentials made her an obvious fit for
the interviewee.
The interview was conducted in the contentment of E’s office at Kean University. She was very
open and cooperative to everything being asked. My cell phone was used for the recording of
the interview. The entire interview lasted a total of 22 minutes and helped me become a lot more
knowledgeable and set on the focus of the paper.
Data Analysis
E states that when students are being rude and using their phone for social media or
communicating with friends it is obvious that it is the wrong time to be on a cellphone, however
E also states that when using an iPad, phone or computer to take notes or look something up it
should be more than acceptable. Basically finding the middle/gray area and not taking advantage
is the main conflict. Throughout the next few pages, I will be including some excerpts from the
interview with E. I will explain each interpret and explain each excerpt in order of how it was
said in the interview.
In the first excerpt E is asked if the students in her classes ever used texting lingos in face to face
interaction or in their papers.
G: well you can begin, do you think terms of texting are used in common speech or in your
students papers or anything
E: umm you know what, umm okay so I teach here at Kean and I have taught English 2020
which is writing, I am now teaching 3090 which is business and professional writing and I have
taught uhh writing for cyberspace which is 3080 and I have also for the past 8 semesters taught
graduate students online at Rutgers, um in a web base multi media for a design course and they
all have to uhh give me papers that are formatted appropriately depending you know if its APA
or MLA and in terms of things they are submitting, the kids that I see face to face are obviously
not having the same discussions that my online students are having, and my online students are
grad students but that does not necessarily mean that the content is any less you know. I mean
they can very easily you know start talking to each other the way that you know maybe my
undergrad students would
G: yeah that’s understandable
E: so you know ill say that probably, and I even have a habit of, ill throw in smiley faces at the
end of my emails, sometimes ill question whether or not its appropriate but I want to come off
as being nice or friendly so ill use them. That’s something that you know prior to texting I never
would have been doing. Um my students in papers and things like that I do see it, you know they
are not spelling later, l8r you know that’s not like, I don’t, I have not seen where its transcended
the boundary between the screen and you know papers that they submit to me in person. But I
hear it’s a problem but I’ve yet to see it. Maybe its because I don’t have comp and maybe you
know in comp they switch but I don’t know
G: yeah you didn’t experience it
E: yeah no, definitely not
Many of the critics believe that texting introduced students to be illiterate and use their
abbreviations in the classroom; E states that she never experienced such a thing. Most students
know that she should spell out “what” rather than write “wut” in their papers. E also states that
occasionally she will throw in a smiley face and question if that is appropriate which also made
me question it too. However, after I thought about it, if a professor or teacher wants to throw in a
smiley face to express her kindness in her pedagogy then what is the big deal? In today’s society
a smiley face could be looked at as unprofessional but it could also be looked at as just being
friendly too.
In excerpt “B” E states that all students will have access to technology and experience with
different software. Although it is positive it can result in being complicated. If the students have
a difficult time with finding access to things such as affording an iPad or tablet and not having
one provided by the school, this could be problematic for a teacher that is trying to incorporate
the use of technology into the classroom.
G: so you would never want your students to use their phones for note taking or
E: see that’s an entirely different thing, im actually um cause I study, my big thing is uhh, my
dissertation is going to be on video games and learning in the classroom and I am very much into
technology and teaching teachers how to use technology effectively. Specifically um a big thing
that has come out now besides like ipad apps is such is like twitter and things like that which is
obviously ya know a prevalent phone usage and uh things things that you can do on the phone
and you know the whole BYOD or bring your own device movement would not be happening
if students didn’t have cell phones. Because they may not have Internet or word or access to
something in the classroom like one to one initiative or at home but a lot of them tend to have
top of the line smart phones. So, that said I am a huge advocate of using the cellphone in class
when appropriate, I have not used it as much because believe it or not I have gotten some push
back from my students. Um the first class that I taught um last spring with uh what’s it called,
cyberspace. They said to me that they hated Facebook, they hated twitter and the only thing that
they liked was Instagram and they.
Access and not liking it
In the above excerpt E mentions something about BYOD or bring your own device. Prior to
starting this study I had never even heard of such a thing, however, being introduced to it was
interesting. If more teachers started a BYOD movement for students this could definitely be
a positive thing to bring into the classroom. Many teachers find it hard to start something like
BYOD for a fear that the students may not have access to devices except these accusations are
being proved false.
In a study conducted my the Pew Research Center, it was found that 78% of Americans age 12 to
17 have cell phones and three fourths of teems have access to Internet using mobile devices such
as smart phones and tablets. (Hammond, 2013) As for college students it is said that the average
college student owns an average of 7 tech devices. Averaging from age 18 to 34 the percent are
as follows: laptops- 85%, smart phones- 70%, tablets- 36%, cell phones- 33%, the other devices
included but are not limited to video/voice recorders, e-readers, MP3/iPods, digital cameras, etc.
(MarketingCharts Staff, 2013)
Furthermore the students are keeping up and purchasing these devices so incorporating into the
classrooms and making them receive all the benefits of them would not be such a bad thing. As
for the students whom are in the percentage that do not have the devices, the school district and
universities should give them access to them by either renting or borrowing them.
In excerpt C E states that using devices for notetaking is completely acceptable in her eyes.
Using different devices such as a laptop, ipad/tablet, or even a phone can be helpful and useful
for students in this century. Although many teachers could believe the students are being
disrespectful, they could be quickly assured after seeing the little yellow notepad.
G:laughs yes umm so for the future you would say that it is a good thing to start texting in the
classroom, like note taking wise using phones and everything….
E: laughs yeah but I will say that as far as note taking goes, ive done it. When I was still taking
classes for um my phd like back in uh I started back in 2009 and I remembered thinking and
sitting in the classroom and now I have an ipad and we haven’t had stuff like that before and um
I would carry my laptop, most of the times I carry my laptop now. Now I have a mac so that’s
lighter than the laptop, the ipad is lighter than all of that but I had you know my 3g iphone and
I would take notes and I was always thinking to myself, the professors are going to think I’m
texting. And I would purposely put it down so they could see the little yellow notepad because I
did not want them to think I was being disrespectful. Because I know that if I was the professor,
and this is before I was even teaching face to face, I would not want them thinking that I was
being disrespectful basically. So if my students were texting, you know sometimes I will give
them looks and they will be like no its notes see, and they will show me and I’m like okay I
didn’t say anything but the fact that they are on top of that to me says okay I know that you are
not like texting under your desk or whatever, so I am not against it because I am a tech advocate
and that is not going to change I don’t think. Um I don’t know I just kind of found the fact that
you were talking specifically about note taking interesting. I’m like I’m wondering how did that
come about.
Above E refers to herself as a “tech advocate”; l if more teachers became tech advocates or
supporters of using technology in the classroom this could definitely have a good impact
on students. It is proven that students get more interested in class and the in turn are more
successful. In one of the articles mentioned above Doug Valentine says, “Technology does not
teach students, effective teachers do.” Which is correct. However, if students can get drawn into
a lesson by the teachers incorporating the use of an iPad or tablet into it, it will make it that much
In the following excerpt E discusses her both her and her bosses’ view on technology in the
classroom. E expresses how they both feel very strongly about having teachers use technology in
the classrooms.
G: do you think she(referring to her boss at Kean University) feels the same way about texting in
the classroom or like how students use their phones in the classrooms
E: M got really into electronic literature; she actually taught e lit like I think it was a year ago.
Um about the same time we started working together, she realized what um what I taught and
um how much I believe in the idea of um teachers using technology and using it in the classroom
and everything else and we sort of both got into it from you know at the same exact times. She’s
more of the humanities section cause she is the digital humanities because her background is
English, mines education but I was a dual English education here so its part of my background
and you know, English is just natural and I’m around it a lot. But basically so were both into
it but from slightly different aspects. That being said, she did electronic literature and she is
obsessed with using the phone in the classroom because she would have authors come in.. she
would have them tweet conversations and you know like put it up on the board and they would
all tweet about readings and then she would try and find the authors of the people that were um
writing some of the articles so the students could ask questions directly to them, which I thought
was really cool thing, so she is gong ho about it too.
In the above excerpt E explains how her boss, M, uses technology in the classroom. I never heard
of having students tweeting to authors and found that to be an amazing idea. Having the students
communicate to educational and academic people rather than just their favorite celebrity was an
interesting twist to be introduced to and learn about.
In excerpt “E” E continues to explain and discuss what back channeling is and how her boss, M,
uses it in a classroom.
G: is that the back splash or is that something different
E: um I don’t know how she did it, I mean like I know there is like back channeling and there is
tweet chat and there are different ways of like maintaining a conversation using like a hashtag
that you know so that way you don’t have to disseminate like 50 thousand conversations for
you to follow but um I don’t know exactly what she used I just know that she jumped into it the
second she realized like just how cool technology was and I’m just like hey there is someone else
who likes this as much as I do, so her yes, I don’t know about other people in the department.
Looking back at this excerpt and remembering how excited E was to talk about technology in the
classroom got me excited to. It made me really want to get this information out to present and
future teachers. Incorporating technology not just for the sack of using an iPad or iPhone for note
taking but having the students make conversations through hash tagging topics on Twitter is an
awesome way to incorporate technology into the classroom.
In excerpt “F” E is asked if texting is taking over today’s society and generation. Although she
does feel that it is somewhat taking over, she discusses bringing it into today’s society as a good
thing and sees the positives in technology rather than seeing it as a negative.
G: laughs.. um basically, last question do you feel texting is taking over todays generation
E: um I definitely think that it is becoming like I don’t know, a lot of times people say social
networking and you know where is the social part, because we are all like these isolated beings
that are sitting in our houses talking to each other through texts and were meeting people online
and you know were not, are we going out together, are we doing things together, I think that its
definitely helping I would say people because I honestly am not one of those people, I may come
off as like really outgoing and stuff like that but the whole idea of meeting people and making
friendships and stuff, ill start talking to you if you know you talk to me first but I would say its
much easier for me to get to know someone through like reading them almost, and I would say
the more uhh high school students and the more that it is used at the earlier grades like the more
it is going to sort of take over but I know there is going to be a back lash by people who just
don’t understand and I think that is kind of the way everything goes in general and in history
and you know people who are just against certain things, and people having rights and things
like that, there is always going to be people who are old school about things and that’s going to
set into motion sort of things. I think that what it is is that we really need to teach media literacy
and being savvy and knowing when it is appropriate to use these things and you know sort of
setting these guidelines. Part of it is parents saying no phone usage or no whatever and part of it
is teachers saying it is okay to use it here and when/ if whatever.
G: so appropriate use basically
E: yes exactly, it needs to be, and it needs to be outlined and discussed more its never really
talked about and I don’t think it is. I think it is more like no phones are bad, texts are bad. Or
yeah I’m really into the idea of it. But you know that is not going to work, it needs to be more
G: yes right now it is black or white.
E: yes exactly
As mentioned above, finding the appropriateness and the time and place for incorporating
technology into the classroom should be considered with teachers and professors. Being savvy
should be a necessity for present and future teachers. When teachers know how to incorporate
technology into a lesson not only to make it fun for the students but also to help them learn and
interpret knowledge more efficiently it can result in success all around.
Conclusion, Results, & Limitations
Overall integrating technology into the classroom would have huge benefits for the students
and teachers. Not only will it keep the students learning and wanting more but also it will allow
them to enjoy and have fun while learning which is very important for students. Throughout
the excerpts and the articles discussed in the Literature Review it is apparent that there are
many positive aspects when it comes to integrating technology into a classroom whether it be
kindergarten or college level. The teachers and professors should be equipped to help their
students by being tech savvy or “tech advocates” as E refers to it. The one major limitation is
teachers need to become more confident in teaching with incorporating technology. Below is a
graphic found about teachers and their confidence in teaching technology.
Throughout the excerpts and the articles discussed in the Literature Review it is apparent that
there are many positive aspects when it comes to integrating technology into a classroom
whether it be kindergarten or college level. The teachers and professors should be equipped to
help their students by being tech savvy or “tech advocates” as E refers to it. The one major
limitation is teachers need to become more confident in teaching with incorporating technology.
Below is a graphic found about teachers and their confidence in teaching technology.
The figure above is so accurate when it comes to teaching technology in the classroom. Teachers
start off being timid and afraid to experiment. However, as they build their confidence and
practice more and more by incorporating it slowly into their lessons, it eventually becomes like
second nature to them.
Teachers and professors who are not confident in what they do will not succedd in doing
that task. If the schools and universities gave the teachers and professors unlimited access
to technology workshops and meetings, it could have a great impact for their students.
Incorporating technology into the classroom to a point where it becomes like second nature for
the teachers and students can tremendously benefit them.
In conclusion, in order to keep up with the rapid changes in technology, it is imperative for
teachers and students to start incorporating it into the classroom. Although some critics will say
that technology has no place in the classroom, they should be able to find an in between and
a middle to integrate it into the classrooms. When students are learning and having fun they
are taking in the information much better than if they are just sitting there bored; incorporating
technology will definitely bring joy to many students. Like Scott MeLeod says, “Places that
are really innovative have a spirit of play. Learning is supposed to be joyful.” And bringing in
technologies into the classroom can definitely bring joy to the students when learning.
"College Students Own an Average of 7 Tech Devices." MarketingCharts. N.p., n.d. Web. 28
Apr. 2014. <
Cullington, Michaela . "Texting and Writing." Spotlight of First-Year Writing 1 (2009): 90-95.
Hammond, Betsy . "Nearly 80 percent of teens have cell phones; more likely than adults to use
mobile Internet." N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. <
Walsh , Kelly . "Study Finds Benefits in Use of iPad as an Educational Tool." Emerging
Education Technology RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. <
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